I love my Viking pipes but like all custom pipes they tend to turn your your right leg into a bratwurst that's been forgotten on the barbe... even more of a problem in Las Vegas temperatures above 40C... So, I made several patterns and had a guy make brackets, cut, bend and weld them on to a piece of stainless.
My original instructions were for him to radius bend the shield, but he did sharp bends, which don't look as good and don't really match the lines of the bike.. we had a disagreement. Anyway, I got the shield, powdercoated it black and put it on. Wow! This makes such a HUGE difference. I can sit at a light, ride slowly or cruise the twisties in the heat.. my leg intact and shoe un-melted.
If you look closely, we bent the shield below the pipe and above it, plus the guy welded pieces on the front and the back (hard to see) to keep heat in.
As much as I'd love to keep those beautiful pipes exposed and visible, this is ride-able and I really like my leg more than being pretty... It is an amazing difference.