headlight shattered


former airline pilot without the big bucks
Feb 16, 2010
2021 rocket3 GT
just as I finished installing the GPS behind the screen I figured go for a spin around the lake ( skaha lake BC ) smack on the east side I come up behind a hauling truck that turned off a gravel road onto the asphalt I stayed smartly well behind just in case and when clear of traffic I went left and goosed the beast and would'nt you know it a small rock came off I guess from the space between the twin left tires and hit my headlights , busted the glass and the lightbulb had to keep going being committed to passing the truck came back home cursing at least it did not hit my helmet windshield !!

just as I finished installing the GPS behind the screen I figured go for a spin around the lake ( skaha lake BC ) smack on the east side I come up behind a hauling truck that turned off a gravel road onto the asphalt I stayed smartly well behind just in case and when clear of traffic I went left and goosed the beast and would'nt you know it a small rock came off I guess from the space between the twin left tires and hit my headlights , busted the glass and the lightbulb had to keep going being committed to passing the truck came back home cursing at least it did not hit my helmet windshield !!

**** man...Glad to hear you are all right! Good reason to do the LED 3800 Cyclops conversion....Can you order the lens? Might as well get two in case of optical clarity differences.....

Huh, isn't that a stroke of luck/unluck.

At least it didn't hit anything painted and metal, a lot less to replace the lens than a tank!!

You could probably throw in the Day maker clones mentioned in a thread here on the forums for the cost of the new lens + bulb. Better light, less electric load, bolt in fitment!
Do the Cyclops 3800 lumen LED conversions....59 USD from Rocky Mountain ATV and the diff is amazing! Check the Cyclops bs the HALFORD!

Skip those daymaker clones...Bad LEDs and made in China...The Cyclops are make in S. Korea and ROCKet using CREE LED emitters and only pull 20 w per headlamp!
90% + of everything you buy is made in China...

Where do you think all the components assembled in that cyclops comes from? Made in China =/= bad quality automatically.

While I do like the cyclops output, those boxes needing to be external to the bucket put me off of them.

Great thing about a world market, you have lots of choice's albertaduke:p
@Claviger Ease up on the Maui Wowie.....

Where are IPhones made?....Don't sweat it ....In this worldmarket all things are Chinese made or sourced...They have all the rare earth elements. Look...you get a year warranty and they are fan cooled so you stick the modulation box inside the cans...I run mine and with a closed system you still generate less heat than a HOOOOT Halogen bulb and save wattage, You can simply NOT buy a product that does not have sourced Chinese components but its the stark reality and even the military contractors I work with try to avoid it but it is FUTILE.

Everything made in the US/UK or Canada sources parts from China....

Welcome to globalization....

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Sure, skip the Daymaker clones, buy the proper originals - JW Speaker. ;)

They even have really cool ones coming out now that turn on more LED's when you lean to illuminate the road shoulder.

They're, uh, nice and, uh, cheap? Ok so they're incredibly expensive but very cool.

LED Motorcycle Headlights - Model 8690 M Series

LED "bulb" retrofits are just as illegal as HID retrofits. Because halogen reflectors are made for a halogen filament that's in a very precise position in space inside that reflector so most of the light goes where it's supposed to.
Sure, skip the Daymaker clones, buy the proper originals - JW Speaker. ;)

They even have really cool ones coming out now that turn on more LED's when you lean to illuminate the road shoulder.

They're, uh, nice and, uh, cheap? Ok so they're incredibly expensive but very cool.

LED Motorcycle Headlights - Model 8690 M Series

LED "bulb" retrofits are just as illegal as HID retrofits. Because halogen reflectors are made for a halogen filament that's in a very precise position in space inside that reflector so most of the light goes where it's supposed to.

My hometown is 20 miles from where those are made and guess what? Made in China components. May be ASSEMBLED in the USA but to drop cost per unit components of said OVERPRICED headlamp are outsourced.

Again welcome to competing with a Country with 8-15 per cent annual growth that must MAKE THINGS vs a dying Country that is a Consumer based economy.
I got dem chineez copies & they work great (better than OEM anyway). $90 - If they crap out I'll get another -
@albertaduke, I would be glad to send you one of (or both) of my OEM lenses for nada if you wanna pay shipping (I have no idea how much that would be to Canada)
My hometown is 20 miles from where those are made and guess what? Made in China components. May be ASSEMBLED in the USA but to drop cost per unit components of said OVERPRICED headlamp are outsourced.

Again welcome to competing with a Country with 8-15 per cent annual growth that must MAKE THINGS vs a dying Country that is a Consumer based economy.

Like I have been saying for 35 years. "If we don't have jobs MAKING IT ... How will we have the money to BUY IT ?"