Headlight Glass

I bought this h/light on ebay for$90 its7500 lms/

Lumen numbers like that are meaningless. And, frankly, almost certainly a bald-faced lie. Actual lux (light on the road) is going to be markedly inferior to good LED's like JW Speaker, Truck-lite or Vision X.

This is capitalism, you can't get quality for $100. I'm sure it pumps out light, but how well? Does it blind people in the oncoming lane? Plus, the chance it's DOT or E approved is below zero, so it's illegal.

The chinese ripoffs being recommended here may or may not suck, but the old adage of "you get what you pay for" should be kept in mind, is all I'm saying.

Headlight Revolution tested a bunch of 7-inchers, and the "one GAZILLION lumen" chinese lights all sucked out loud.
A good rule of thumb - for now - look at the POWER CONSUMPTION. If it is 12V and says 2A - that's 24W and there is NO WAY you'll see 7500lm.

With 30Watts you MIGHT just see 4000lms but that would be pushing the emitters to their limit and if so the heatsinks will need Free (maybe even forced) airflow - that or the LEDs will gate down to prevent overheating or (if very poorly done) burn out and die. tbh a good Rule of thumb is 800-1000lms from 10Watts. My personal ROT is just under 1000lm/amp. I have some 4000lm "bulbs" I'm testing for the 4WD - the heatsinks get HOT and FAST. They're 2000+2000 not 4000.

Of course we see misguidance (marketing if you prefer). 3250lm DIP and 3250lm MAIN are 7500lms - but with efficiency losses you'd be drawing 75watts if both come on together - and most WILL NOT for reasons of heat - I hope you have bypass relays in if so.

Also depends substantially on the LEDs themselves. CREE make VERY VERY GOOD HIGH EFFICIENCY LEDS, but Phillips & Osram do too. The difference being that the latter two specialise in Automotive grade LEDS and sacrifice a little light for longevity.
yea well it IS DOT approved and it dosnt blind the on coming traffic , and the way I see it if its stuffed in two or three years ol buy another, and nearly 80% of everything comes out of china.