Headlight flicker


.020 Over
Jul 17, 2024
Coming home tonight my headlights started to flicker. Really bad at some points and steady for a bit. Any ideas as to what could be causing this? It only happens when the engine is running. TIA
Let's start with checking the voltage output of the alternator. Basically what the battery volts are ignition on bike off and running on DC volts.
Next check the AC frequency of the rectifier.
This is probably what's wrong
Imo go watch some YouTube videos on how to test and diagnose a faulty rectifier and alternator.
Just had them tested and all is good. Freaky
How did, and how?
I had a mechanic do the testing. He tested the battery and the charging system. Everything was within normal parameters. I'm at a loss. Crazy thing to is that the issue wouldn't happen while I was there. The lights stayed normal