BigKel... Where did you place your air temp sensor? I only ask, because I don't see it in the photo, and from what I've recently read, it should be exposed to some cooler, fresher air, ( and supposedly your engine will run smoother ). Thanks... Russell
Be very careful ......................................................................................................................................................................
I started with these then fed them some air cleaner steroids and got these
as @sleeves touched on the exposed K&N filters are fine with exposure to rain (I have ridden 4 hours thru torrential rain) while on the move as the any water that enters is atomised and the motor actually likes it it is only when sitting in pouring rain that you could have a problem not so n a light drizzle as it is unlikely to pool enough but still best to cover just to be sure
Thanks so much, Idaho Red Rocket 3. I'll look into it further. Thing is, I want to "pack" the air in, but if it's raining, I don't want a ready made water funnel.
Heres mine. Used a 'wheel of death' to take the big cuts and cleaned it up with a dremel. These are 2780s. The back one is an awful tight fit without a cut, and i really like the looks of this. Chrome door edge trim to hide cut edge. The one mistake is i didn't make some of the bends gradual enough and the trim doesn't conform perfectly.
as @sleeves touched on the exposed K&N filters are fine with exposure to rain (I have ridden 4 hours thru torrential rain) while on the move as the any water that enters is atomised and the motor actually likes it it is only when sitting in pouring rain that you could have a problem not so n a light drizzle as it is unlikely to pool enough but still best to cover just to be sure
Yes. I've heard that. I will do that. I want mine to last. Since we're on that subject, tell me about putting the covers on, when it rains? I just ordered my K&N's. They haven't been delivered yet. Thanks.