Might be a wise decision if you have any so called illegal modifications on your bike as I heard today that cops are gonna go hard .what is an illegal modification a loud exhaust or what? If you have the modification done by a qualified engineer ,how can they be illegal ?
I thought they weren't targeting us. Newman has been on TV and radio numerous times preaching that the recreational motorcyclist have nothing to worry about. They'll pull us over and when they see we aren't patch holders they'll give us a kiss and say on your way. Got me beet why they must pull everyone over though I can usually tell if an approaching motorcyclist is a patch holder or not. Come to think of it since all this started how many patch holders have you seen out and about. I haven't seen one and I do about 2500klm a week around Brisbane and the GoldCoast.
I have seen not one patched member wearing his patch in the last three weeks . Actually not to many are riding there bikes either . I not sure but one of the clubs down here has all the bikes registered to the club . Might have something to do about not riding them.
I don't imagine there pulling many over with there blitz. I laughed when I read that NSW had sent a task force to the Tweed to stop outlaw motorcyclists crossing the border. How are they going to do that there's more than one road that crosses the border and how do they know witch car or bus or plane they will be on. I don't think there is any law against crossing the border last time I looked. Actually I think it's a law in Australia something about free trade and travell between the states. That's why you can register interstate trucks for the insurance cost only no registration fees or taxes.
There was a Rebel wandering around the swap last weekend ..had his colours on, actually bought a set of handlebars of one of the vendors .. yep , 16 inch ape hangers ..hahahahaha.