Hard Saddlebags

that is sure one fine lookin bike.
My wife wants one of those instead of the new Thunderbird,
of course, we ain't seen the new Thunderbird in person yet.
I think once she sits on it and test rides it, she may change her mind.
At least I hope so.
It all kinda depends on how it sits, if the seat ain't to tall for her, I could probably get the t-bird. For her I mean..
Not the best picture, but gives you an idea.

Sorry to resurrect a possibly dead post, but I found this thread while searching for info about possible hard bags for a Rocket III.

But my burning question is, what the hell were those red things in the back ground? Some kind of trike or scooter things? Or are they just goldwings at a funky angle?

(And an aside, is that New Mexico in the pic?)

I have the Corbin bags, and have had other bags on other bikes. I love the Corbin bags, and I think that they've got to be worth the extra money. I love em!
Those are Stallion trikes DFW Stallion of Dallas - Home Page They are actually pretty cool rides.. Check out the link.. Also, Snuff gets on here every once in a while, but he is a traitor and now rides a Goldwing.. lol He and his wife and friends take annual trips to Colorado through New Mexico..

These are Tsukayu..One third the corbin price. The hinge is to the front you lift from the rear. Course the ones for the rocket are slightly smaller. 120 cans of beer in these.

Here are the Tsukayu bags (Jumbo Strong with LED turn signals) on my 2014 R3
Hard Bags

I have a set of Leather Lyke hard bags on my 05 R3. 50,000 miles and no problems whatsoever. Easy to install, they look good, and were just over $400 when I bought them.

I have had 2 sets of Leatherlykes, and my Rocket has them now. I'll agree they install easy and work flawlessly especially the helmet holder. But as for looks, that's a bit subjective. I really don't like the way they look, pretty ugly. I am just not going to spend $2500 on Corbin's.