To good to turn down. (DARKSIDE RIDER) A lot of folks talk this and that about tires and the pro and cons of different brands. At 24,300 miles and the last 8,000 done on the darkside I will not go back. Had a Avon on the backside and went south after only after about 6,500 miles. Not much better than the stock tires. Have a Avon on the front but looking for something better. The problem with the Darkside on the rear is Horrible. During bad weather including snow and ice the traction is no fun at all. No sliding or odd take offs, takes all the fun out of riding. In good weather you can hit it hard and maintain a straight line which takes all the trauma out of going sideways. Really sucks. Turns and twists are not much fun either. I can say that we had a real pretty 30 or so better ask me one day at a gas stop if the bike tire was a indication as to the size of other things related to the bike and enjoyed every minute of it. For what it is worth.(2015 Rocket X )