Hanging Idle

Tried everything and still battling the high idle issue. I do notice my TB's are balanced at 820. I know everyone states all all need to match, but has anyone seen them match in the 800's?
Tried everything and still battling the high idle issue. I do notice my TB's are balanced at 820. I know everyone states all all need to match, but has anyone seen them match in the 800's?

going to guess around 680's
someone else might have different settings?
Now that I have the TBs synced, stepper motor removed and hanging idle issue resolved, I should probably set my TPS. Has anyone done this with the stepper motor removed? Does it cause any issues or do you just blow past the stepper motor part of the adjustment.
Did you adjust your idle speed with the yellow painted idle hard stop screw ?
If you did, I think the only way you could do it without the stepper would be back out the yellow painted idle hard stop screw until the throttle butterflies are all the shut, then adjust the TPS to read zero volts.
I did adjust the idle speed screw. Everything is running well, maybe I should leave it at that.
It only lasted a short time and the high idle is back. I'm thinking it has to have something to do with spring pressure. Since the stepper is removed, I can easily pull forward on the roller the stepper use to sit on. When I do, idle goes back to normal. I've soaked the linkage in wd40 multiple times with no help. Is it possible there is carbon build up in the tb's not allowing the plates to fully close? They look clean.


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this may seem odd but just try it
back off the main idle screw one half turn
when the idle screw is to much/far in it will work good when cold but will have high idle after it gets warmed up.