hand deflectors?


Feb 23, 2006
Lincolnton GA
2005 RIII
anyone have somethign that works?

I ride to work early every morning, and although I have winter gloves and heated grips, hands are about the only thing that get cold...

If I had somethign that sheilded them it would be much better..seen soem on other bikes but nothign for sale that wasn't bike specific yet, short of the off road style that are universal..

thinkign some clear plexiglass ones
yeah If I had some of the spare money thats around here that would work, But its would also be hotter then all get out in the summer...

I think I found my solution, I'm gonna make some plexi extension "wings" and clip them somehow to my existing shield for the colder days
yeah I was looking at those, need to find some that might fit, all of those were model specific, but seemed to attach via the mirror mount.

I think it would make the winter go by a lot quicker
no snow or salt on the roads around here, did get into the teens in the am in december last year

I ride year round wither the rocket or the sprint, the rocket has more room when I'm dressed like the michelin man