Hagon rear shocks

120 miles per hour is not bragging rights.

Nah but I was trying to stay behind the lead rider.
There was two or three young Guys on V-Rods with extremely noisy exhaust pipes hot dogging around me, I got ticked of with these little bikes buzzing around me like blow flies, so biffed it back to third and played their game.
They would hit the throttle so I would too, but then I'd have to slow down and wait for them
I had the fronts treated to Race Tech Suspension Gold Valve cartridge emulators and springs and the suspension guy used 15W oil.

I installed Hagon Nitros - stock height 12.5" from "just because".

As I've said, I changed too many variables at once -- the above plus a new set of Avon Cobras -- to assign individual effects.

All I can say is with this combination the Touring is a much improved bike.