hagon nitro rear shocks

Thanks, Moose Racing in Aus want $850 a set but Hagon USA site got them listed at $499 USD a set. Hagon UK want $612 AUD .. Looks like my hard earned aussie dollars are heading Stateside yet again much rather support an Aussie shop but hard to eat $300 on one purchase.
Geez you blokes ive been watching this sight for months looking for talks on shocks for the r3, couldnt get excited about all the posts happening on here[not],so ive got some ikons coming tomorrow, made in australia @ albury nsw, fully rebuildable if needed,$720 for the dearest style, was thinking seriously about the nitros from british customs , i decide to go local this time as i have given BC to much money previously
Bigdoug from Scotland and a few others recomended Nitros to me when i asked the same question. £364 inc postage here. I was intending to order a pair but some Progressive 440's came up on ebay at a price i could'nt refuse. They should be here tomorrow so i can't give you a report yet, but i have'nt heard anyone bad-mouth them so far.
Yep I have nitros and they are great, i'm very heavy and got the shocks made up to suit and it has transformed the bike. I will get the front springs changed this winter too.
Ikons are Konis just spelt different ..yeh ?? Ikon took over production when Koni ...stopped production i think Konis were always a pretty good shock. I was consedering Fournales but The Frog wants $1800 for Magnums to suit a Rocket.
I have fournales and love them I have Progressive fork springs and it all work great, I was lucky bought my Fournalkes second hand @ $400 of a mate thinking of getting them extended but that will cost $200 plus postage to Tassie thats another $80 and they will only be 10 mm longer aparently Triumph has told Fournales any more would put the driveshaft out of wack still thinking as the extra cornering clearance would be handy

Was it you who outbid me on the black 440's on ebay then or did you get the chrome ones that finished a day or 2 before?
Progressive front springs on the Kayaba Inverted forks run about $90.00 USD. The Hagon's are top shelf bits. Set your static sag at 15mm, put the dampers at 5 and then just tweak the damping rates to suit. Plus Hagon will rebuild worn shocks (less than buying another set).
Thanks , are the front progressive springs from Hagon ? Have used Racetech in the past and they made a big difference.
Was it you who outbid me on the black 440's on ebay then or did you get the chrome ones that finished a day or 2 before?

I got the chrome ones. I put them on today and went for it down a previously Rocket Lethal road near here that i used to avoid. One of the long sweeping bumpy bends used to induce a tank slapper, not anymore though. I took it 10mph faster than tankslapping speed with the 440's on and it was steady as a rock. All i can say is KEEP BIDDING !