Guess What!

The Kansas City Chiefs are going to the SUPERBOWL! Get you some of that! Woohoo! Last time I was 12 years old.
I was also 12 years old and living in Fort Walton Beach in Florida. We had just moved from Kansas City Mo. The 69 Chiefs were my favorite all time team. It's been a long wait. This picture was taken in San Diego when I went to a San Diego KC Chiefs game in 2017??
Congrats to the Chiefs! They will be facing the other team, let's see, who is that........

Oh yeah

The San Francisco 49ers ! ! !
I want this thread locked down and deleted. Promoting one professional team over another is worse than politics and religion combined. Go Miami Dolphins(have sucked forever) and The Titans, the team that almost did well.

The guy is a total stud and if he wins the Superbowl he will own Kansas City for the rest of his life.