I usually am in the lead. If you can pass me and stay there, we’ll good on you.
So I ride in formation. From the lead I’m in the left third almost all the time. I don’t have to cross center and dive to the inside to make curve in a right hander. If I find myself following, for some social reason and I’m on the right thirdI stay there. It’s a game for me and practicing bike control. I do not view scenery very often on a curvy roads so I’m %100 focused on the pavement in front of me to help me make the bike go where I want it to.
Sure stuff creeps up on you like it did to Journyman but I
I plan on otherwise. Remember he was not hooning or riding aggressively and that is when you relax and get surprised. Stay on mental point and never relax to much unless the road is straight and wide open spaces are on both sides.