GT is Fabulous, Panniers Suck

Seem to be 2 problems.
Firstly, Wet panniers. Need a longer guard hugging the wheel. @1olbull has suggested before something joining the front and rear huggers - I reckon that would work and shouldn’t be too difficult to find a suitable piece to fit in there.

Secondly spray up the back could be addressed with small guard under the tail area - perhaps similar to the Speed Twin or Scrambler 1200 setup. Could look pretty neat.

Personally, if I’m riding in the rain I’m getting wet anyway and it’s not beyond common sense to use waterproof bags inside panniers, so the solutions for me would be simpler than above (until Triumph improved the design of the panniers). I’m just glad they didn’t make the bike look like this.

I have a GT on order - will get the mounts but hold off on the panniers. Hopefully Triumph will do some sort of update to stop this obvious mis manufacture

I would hold off on spending any money on the Triumph mounts. Wait to see what Corbin designs for the new 2.5L Rockets. I have the Corbin Beetle Bags on my 2.3L Rocket since new (13+ years) and I'm very happy with the form, function and durability.

Oh come on now .... the Rune is something special. We all would like one in our garage.

Dunno whether the hugger extension would solve the problem...the panniers are gonna get wet from side spray off the tyre.....???
Yeah I know. Plastic bags it is then Or some Expedition panniers off a Tiger.

Panniers should be waterproof - period!
If not, they be $hit, IMHO.
My cheap Tusk are waterproof and were just over $200.
I was thinking of maybe getting a small tire flap made tohang below the license plate with something like 'ACME TRUCKING'printed on it.. it'd be funnier than hell
My opinion again. Triumph made the new Rocket for a targeted crowd. The targeted crowd is not buying the Rocket (from what I have heard and seen). They realize that the chance of the 'targeted crowd' riding in the rain is slim to none. The rear fender and small non-waterproof bags are for show only. Zero practicality. Aftermarket will fix the panniers but that rear fender look is not edgy or hip it's just dumb. Will this keep me from wanting a GT? Hell no!