GT Backrest removal?

Is here someone from/nearby Slovakia, who would sell his R fillers? I don't want the GT backrest.
Luckily I was able to get these from a dealer who had swapped them out on another bike and the owner didn't want them. I got them both with the plastic bottom finisher pieces for $100 shipped.... STILL a ripoff in my opinion but better than $200! Triumph really needs to either include these with the touring infill panel or make them available at a much cheaper price! Good luck guys finding these in stock...I got lucky I think.
During my first service I asked the responsible guy, if by any chance they don't have used R-fillers from someone's bike to whom they mounted GT backrest. What a luck, they had, just one! Price...unbelieveable...20 euro for complete kit!
So finally I removed the backrest and windscreen and Rocket looks like a rocket, not like vespa or motorbus.
Wouldnt it be more cost effective to use the R fill ins? if you can, wouldnt it be more expensive to change seats and pegs and bars and you also have to buy a cable kit to but the bars on a R, I would think it would cost less the other way around?

The guy wanted to know how to take off the backrest. Maybe he wanted to paint it or put the R filler plates in. I have the R filler plates on order and that's what I plan on doing.
did the filler plates solve the issue? do you have the part numbers? I did see they also have optional seat pads I wonder it they cover the mounting holes?

thank you

excellent, I would like to have both options, if you have a date you can put on the backrest and if your riding solo you dont need it. I really like the bars and forward controls on the gt thats why I bought the gt and changing bars and pegs and cables to go the other way around seems harder than removing the backrest and putting fillers. not to mention the heated grips on the gt.