Grill Inserts

Get ahold of ole Lon.
He'll make you a custom one like he did my tank protectors.
you'll have to ask ole Lon, but APROX. $150.
horn :lol:
Hey I wanted something different.
everybody was saying you couldn't put a stebel where the OEM one was.
I did, but then realized it needed "something" to protect it, (and cover it up).
I tried a waterproof bag first, and that victory ignition switch cover looks WAY BETTER than the bag did.
It started out chrome, but I'didn't like it, to much chrome.
ain't that just about right tho,
Took a chrome piece and made it black,
took a black piece and made it chrome.
No accounting for taste I guess.
Thanks Hipporider.
But I sure can't take credit for nothin but the ordering of it, and the install. Oh yea, and the paint.
Ole Lon has talent and ain't afraid to use it :lol: .
yep, it's a horn cover. 8)
Very cool skip . . I like the chrome looking one best I think the design stands out more against the black 8)
i concur EvilBob,.
Hey I wonder how much drama it would be to fit one on Sam's new radiators when they are available? :idea:

I am assuming its done using a CadCam operated machine , so it would be just a case of scaling down the original drawing on Cad.
We're waitting on the new radiator to appear.
I'm sure Lon will make it fit either one you have.
If you don't want any of the 3 or 4 designs he's posted, shoot him a picture,
if you want something "one off" I'm pretty sure he'd do it for ya.
Yea, I think I like the chrome best too Chris.