Grill Inserts


Living Legend
Jun 4, 2007
North of Tulsa, OKLAHOMA
Ok, I may be slow in the picture dept. for my dash,
but I'll not be short on posting someone elses work,
especially if it's good, REAL GOOD.
Y'all seen the pics ole Lon took of his grill insert right?
I'm here to testify WITH PICTURES its right.
I had it installed like it came, shiney black,
but against my radiator it didn't draw the eye to it like I knew it could.
So I painted it. Tell me what y'all think, Black or Chrome??
Pictures are in my album and I posted a couple in the customization thread.
I also asked OWL if he could put them where everybody could find em easier, like maybe here.
I'm VERY pleased with my grill insert,
I bet for the guys on Red or Yellow or other slow color bikes :lol:
Their colors would stand out too.
Anyway, check it out and tell me what you think.
appreciate that CAD DAD.
So I ain't all that with a computer,
The issue really ain't my ability or inability to use a computer that well.
The point of the post was to show off ole Lons grill inserts.
He'll put about anything on 'em you want, and the price is competitive.
Now that Cadfather has linked it, what do y'all think.
Look close, where the insert is black the radiator looks lighter color.
Where the grill is chrome, the rad looks darker.
Total reversal. Since I know for a fact the only change made was to the grill, it kinda amazed me.
I know, I know, my wife tells me I'm easily entertained,
Heck I've entertained myself for two weeks trying to get a presentable dash,
and you ought to see this road glide fairing I'm workin on.. :lol:
I like it Skip, I was about to come to market with some designs of my own for the grill inserts and the mounting hardware for windshields so you can use clearview without having to buy a Triumph screen for the mounts. Lon did a real good job on the grill inserts, I only hope mine turn out so well.
That is an awesome looking grill! But what is the plug ugly triangular black thing between the forks? Please don't say a horn, please don't say a horn, please don't say a horn...there are too many other horn options out there to have something so ugly on the front of the Rock.