Greetings to All from Hungary!

And welcome from Port Orchard, Washington

My grandfather was born in a small town northwest of Budapest. Always thought I'd go visit one day.

Edit. Correction, southwest of Budapest, Szeleste
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And welcome from Port Orchard, Washington

My grandfather was born in a small town northwest of Budapest. Always thought I'd go visit one day.

Edit. Correction, southwest of Budapest, Szeleste
Great. Let me know if you one day come to Budapest to dig deaper to gond your roots!
Great. Let me know if you one day come to Budapest to dig deaper to gond your roots!

One of the things that is so great about motorcycles and riding is the wonderful people we meet along the way that have this common bond.

I've been wanting to visit Hungary since I was a kid and learned that my Nagyapa was from there. I'm thinking that next summer will be my time. I also want to visit western Ukraine where my Babushka was born. The whole background about where our immigrant families are from, and their nationalities, can be very confusing for Americans.
Welcome from Christchurch New Zealand Gabor.....Hope you enjoy being on board the Rocket ship. There are no deck hands on this ship, just captains....Rocket Captains!!...and good buggers all of em!!
If you decide to visit Hungary and you have some free sdpace in the schedule I will invite you for a beer - let me know. BTW: do you still have your solo rack? Would you send it to Hungary? Or just bring it when you come?
Welcome Gabor from Chesterfield UK, would like to see some photographs of your ride?