Greetings from Virgina, USA

Welcome aboard S. Yankee, enjoy the Rocket! What kind of bike did you have before the Rocket? I had the Triumph America, so it was quite a bit different, only 3 times the size. Ride safe.:bch:
Good Oxymoran

SY....... Welcome to the forum and I know you'll enjoy everything from silliness to seriousness. Maybe you could hook up with several east coasters and come to Nashville in July.

I just realized Raymond beat me to the punch in welcoming you. Normally he's taking a nap when someone new signs on. Me, I was out riding this evening as the monsoon from yesterday kept everything pretty wet until late afternoon. More coming the next few days so I'll sign off and shine some chrome tonight!
Thank you Gents for the welcome messages.
I'm afraid I won't be able to join you for the Rocket Ride though, my brother & I have committed to a Sturgis trip this year, so we will be making the necessary preparations for that trip. As far as what bike I previously owned, it was a Yamaha Virago 920cc. The rocket of course is no comparison. I actually bought my Rocket after doing some research and I wanted something that will "keep up" with my brother's bike. He just bought a Harley Davidson VROD and has made many modifications to the bike. It's unbelievable truly a wonderful machine. My Rocket though can keep up. I have always been the black sheep of the family.. so I naturally couldn't buy a VROD because he already bought one. haha. Anyway.. take care, Ride Safe.
No problem keeping up but when that stupid grin wont come off when you blow past him might cause some grief. Take it easy in Sturgis, I think these big rallies compete for the belly up award. Welcome, I just had some rear tire drama with 2 holes at once, 2 weeks ago on a RAT ride. I went with your choice on ordering the rear replacement, my 3rd. Welcome S.Yankee. I hear Avon may get into the picture with tire for the beast but from what I heard from another rider they aren't much cheaper at all. I may check out the the dark side the next go around.
So much for Triumph Service

Hey Everyone,
Just thought I'd drop in and share my ongoing saga with my rear tire. As I mentioned earlier I picked up a nail in my rear tire day 2 after moving to Virginia, I ordered my tire online and decided that I would have the Triumph dealer change it out for me as I live in an apt complex now. The "only" Triumph dealer in the area told me it was at least a 2 1/2 week waiting list, this after sitting on hold for over 10 minutes for the service department. I started calling around to Honda, Kawasaki, etc etc, same story the latest said it would be 32 days before he could schedule my tire change. NICE HUH?
So I have the Service Manual, and I am going to be tearing off the rear tire myself this week. Wish me Luck.
Try a high performance or bling tire shop. If they have the multi arm tire machines that will do 40 series car tires on bling rims they can easily do the Rocket's rear tire. The big problem will be you getting the rear wheel off of the bike, since you live in an apartment.

Do you or a buddy have a shop at work?? A buddy's garage??
Hey Toystoretom,

Yeah a buddy is going to let me use his garage. I bought a Craftsman motorcycle jack off craigslist last night and it looks pretty sweet. I read thru the Rocket Service manual and the tire removal and reinstallation itself does not seem that difficult. The biggest thing was the conversion from Nm to LB foot pounds for the torque wrench, but luckily the new torque wrench I bought came with a cool little conversion chart for me. So I should be ready to go, I will start the removal of the tire either tonight or tomorrow night. One concern I have is that I still don't show Americantire shipping my rear sneaker yet. I ordered 2 day service I hope they come thru for me and I receive it by Friday. Ride Safe. S_Yankee

Welcome...let me know where if VA and like Britman - if you're in the area; stop by for a beer - am up in NoVA near DC...
Bob (Gunfighter):bch:
Just A Hint


Pulling the wheel is not bad and I got my tire mounted at a auto tire center for around $25.00. I have also found that if you tie off the front of the beast and move the jack to the rear of engine block, (careful of the starter) up she goes. Good luck and I'm sure you will be on the road by the weekend.
Hints Appreciated

Hey All,
So, thank you for all the good wishes and advice. The latest saga is my rocket's azz is in the air and the drive shaft bolt is loosened. I am having trouble getting the Torque Rention bolt out of the caliper. I can't seem to really get a socket and ratchet on it, so I may be off to the store and buy some good combination wrenches. Has anyone ever had trouble removing the Torque Rention Bolt on the caliper? Oh, and since I am Murphy's favorite person ... as we were transporting the bike via trailer to my buddy's garage... the bike bounced and scraped up the rear fender on the back wire gate of the trailer. I had 3 rachet straps on the bike but it still moved the couple inches it needed.
OMG... don't let anyone ever tell you something like this is easy quick fix. One little nail in my tire on my new rocket with 800 miles on it... and my stupidity is costing me a fortune.
Take Care. Ride Safe.