Greetings from Ukraine.

Several years ago my son was on a joint military exercise in Ukraine. My wife and I were at his home in northern Italy and the plan was for me to take a train from there to Mukachevo and he from Kiev to meet me there, explore the town and hopefully find out more about my grandmother's family. She used to write to a sister there and we had an address. My mother had some of the letters and although she spoke a number of different "Russian compliant" Slavic languages, she could not read the Cyrillic. She took them to the priest at the Orthodox church who read them to her. I think it was Orthodox. It could have been Eastern Rite.

He was not able to get away though but when he returned to Italy he told me of the stunningly beautiful ladies that they saw in Kiev.
Hi dr and welcome to this great group. I’m in Yorkshire in the UK. Enjoy your Rocket.
Welcome to the brotherhood. It's one great international place to hang out, chat and learn.
Dr. Pon,

Just hoping for your continued good health, if Ukrainian drivers are as good as Russian drivers.

I quickly learned that pedestrians have no right of way in Russia. I thought Mexican drivers were bad.

If no pedestrian soft targets were available, motorcycles made great sport for Russian drivers.

At least you have something with 5 Times the horsepower of a Ural, to escape tight spots.
Welcome again Dr Donut. One of the best things about this site other than all the great people I meet here is when folks take pictures of the area around them. I take great interest in this big blue ball we all live on and it's neat to see how others live. I've learned that we all have a lot more in common than we have differences. One thing I've learned is that I have trouble understanding English spoken from the English and how they eagerly wait for me to complete my sentences.
Whoa! Keep 'em coming.

I really have second thoughts on whether I should say things about ladies here... I mean, they ARE great (well, many of them), yet I've met some really good looking women around the globe. And yes, there is a such thing as sex tourism here. And yes, there are many girls and women that dream about marrying a guy from the US or EU. Can't say I judge them, can't say I support them.

As to any hints and jokes on Russians. That's a touchy topic. I don't know if you've heard or not, but we have a conflict (that we prefer calling war, because that's what it is) in the east of Ukraine. It's not a civil war as Russia would want everyone to think. It's what one would call a hybrid war. There are few ****heads that are being supported by Russia. Unofficially. Still, those are Russian troops on our territorry.

To be honest, the situation is not that easy to explain. Would take more than one paragraph, to say the least.

I am Russian-speaking Ukrainian. It has so happened that my native language is Russian. I speak and write English, I speak and write poor Serbian, I can read some German, and I have an extremely fractured knowledge of German and Italian. Having said all this, I hate Russia with all my heart. I would really appreciate if you would not associate me or my country with Russia. Trust me, we are different. Despite the sad fact that we might have many things in common.

I hope you don't take it as me being *****y or anything like that.

It hurts when you're being associated with a country that kills your countrymen. And friends.