Greetings from Ukraine.

I always hate reading of a brother going down but am glad that you are here to tell the tale. I do hope that the bike can be made road worthy once more and that the cause of the wobble is discovered.
i think i would add a new front tire.
i have posted this a few times. i put a new metz on the front and i have a habit of getting up to 50 mph then letting go of the bars to put on my sun glasses and when i did it turned into a tank slapper but i did not go down.
now every new tire i ease my hands back a little to check for a speed wobble. and also do i once and a while just to make sure.
some riders have had to tighten the head stock nuts because they came loose.
ps some have had problems with the cobra's
Welcome from a new guy. I would love to visit Ukraine someday. I would love to go visit Pripyat. That spelling may not be correct so please forgive that. I hear the beaches of Odessa are beautiful, but I was told they are often very crowded. Maybe someday I will get to see. Anyway, again welcome.
I saw a video last night which breaks all the rules here. All I can say is 2 girls, 4 basketballs.
I get you @BigNorm , , Nudge, Nudge.......say no more..SAY NO MORE!!
After all, copyright infraction is a serious issue!
And an amazing juggling act to make the Harlem Globe-Trotters proud I'm sure, but @RKTNMYPKT 's WILD life documentary on women laying turtle eggs in SE Asia sounds compelling too.
Hey Michael!

I would love to go visit Pripyat.

It can be done. They offer legal tours there. And you don't want an illegal one, just trust me.

I hear the beaches of Odessa are beautiful, but I was told they are often very crowded.

We have some nice beaches, yet yes, they are crowded during summer season. Locals don't really go to the beach much. I spend more time in Mediterranean and Red Sea waters, even though it takes me 10-15 minutes walking to hit the beach at home.

Maybe someday I will get to see.

Just like for everyone on this forum I'd be happy to help you with planning and organising such trip.