Greetings from Ukraine.

Dr Ponchik - beautiful bike you have there. If you ever need parts that you can't get easily there, let me know.
Thank you. Twice.

I really enjoyed reading your post. Couldn't agree more on every subject.

As to Rocket parts, you can't get anything here. Triumphs are not that common, especially Rockets. I doubt we have at least 10 of those in Ukraine. Two in Odessa, including mine. All hail the Internet and postal services. Got my detent spring (yep, broke that one) from the UK in 8 days. Still, thanks for offering help.
Sad news.

A week ago caught some nasty high speed wobbling. Tried to tame it. No luck. Crashed at 170-180 km/h. Lucky for me, road rash and bruises only. Bike is heavily thrashed though. Still don't know if frame and engine are fine. Everything else is pretty much wasted...

I'm afraid to even start calculating how much recovery will cost...
Oh Bugger!!...what a bloody shame!...sorry to hear this...take your time and think what went wrong and learn from is after all a lesson in life...otherwise you would not be here to tell the story.

Sounds like you have joined the @HansO club, similar speeds and description. Was a car tyre fitted?
Can't pinpoint the reason.

I've experienced wobbling before, but that time I was sure speed was the reason. Riding 240+ km/h on H-rated tyres (not to mention one was radial, and another one was bias) was an idiotic idea. Strangely enough, I was able to stabilise the bike just by the book. Hands relaxed, open throttle. Almost soiled myself though.

This time the tyres were new. Avon Cobra WW. OEM sized. V speed rating.

Right after I've fitted these tyres I've been experiencing front wheel wobbling at low speeds - 50-60 km/h even though both wheels were balanced. I suspect that the front tyre was faulty. Changed front hub bearings just to make sure the weren't the reason. Front axle was perfectly seated. Hoped the rubber will break in. Took a 2000+ km trip to Romania with my wife. Didn't help. Had no problems on speeds over 60 though.

I don't thing it was just the tyre. The road looked perfect, yet I remember three sequential smooth bumps, almost unnoticeable, and a longitudinal crack after them. I haven't noticed that crack when I was riding. Saw it later on when watching records from on-bike cams.

I guess it was all together - tyre, road conditions and speed. Thank you all for sympathy. Makes the pain less harsh.
Glad to hear you were not hurt to badly,heal quickly bro.Hopefully your is repairable and you can source the parts you need to repair it.
Give me a list of parts and I'll see what I can chase up for you.
eBay and a few other places I know of may be able to help.
Give me a list of parts and I'll see what I can chase up for you.

Thanks mate. I'll have the full list later on when my mechanic takes most of the bike apart. Fingers crossed, frame and engine are fine...

Any help would be appreciated, as new parts cost a fortune. So I'll be snooping around eBay and classifieds in Facebook, etc. I'm even thinking of buying a whole bike somewhere in Europe or USA and send it here piece by piece. Prices here are ridiculous due to crazy vehicle import duties and taxes. For example, my 2008 R3T cost me 17 800 USD two years ago.