Greetings From The Valley of the Sun~

Hello Andy and welcome from Virginia. You may want to keep that windscreen on to avoid that jet blast of heat in the summer when the ton comes around...
I did a lot of looking and ended up getting mine from a dealer in Washington, had it shipped to Az.
Loved my few short years in FL and making 2 appearances at Daytona Bike Week. I also loved the ride from Greensboro, NC to Key West, FL on my Vulcan 1500. Ocala is great horse country!
Plus 1 on the welcome
Agreed because it's like riding in a blast furnace! I hope the R3's YUGE radiator and aux fans can keep up with Hell On Earth this summer. I love VA's section of the Blue Ridge Parkway through the Shenandoah Valley! God's country to be sure! Loved my two rides to attend Rolling Thunder in '99 and '00 from Greensboro, NC where I was served 4 years as a USCG recruiter. I hope to create as many great memories on my R3!
WELCOME indeed, Andy from the not-so-sunny WA State.