Greetings from North Texas

If your going to trike it I have a set of New Painted Jet Black tins in the box with chrome side covers. Let me know maybe we can work some kind of swap out. If you want to add stuff to the tank like air brush work the tank doe snot even have the badges installed yet. Either way if you get rid of the bags I definitely would be interested.

Also, if you do the Motortrike kit, they are in Troup, about 15-20 minutes from me in Tyler. Look me up/PM me

That particular R3 looks very familiar. Did you acquire it from a gentleman in Lynchburg, VA?
Welcome, where abouts in North Texas? I lived in Wise County back in the late 70s.
Also, if you do the Motortrike kit, they are in Troup, about 15-20 minutes from me in Tyler. Look me up/PM me

As I learn more about it, the MotorTrike kit only fits 2010 and newer. Will be doing the Hannigan kit instead.

Warp9.9 I sent you a PM.
That particular R3 looks very familiar. Did you acquire it from a gentleman in Lynchburg, VA?

A very good gentleman. If you are picking it up locally, make sure you get a gander at his other Triumphs. Beautiful machines.

btw, North Texas? I grew up in Bonham. Where are you at?