Greetings from North Texas


.020 Over
Jun 9, 2016
I just acquired my 4th Rocket Three.


Well, OK, the first was a 1969 BSA R3 in 1971. That one was stolen and the insurance company replaced it with a look-alike 69 BSA R3 in 1972. Then I traded that one for a 1967 Camaro. In the meantime, I was riding a BSA 650 on the way to the most important date of my life when I was t-boned and ended up with three fractured vertebrae. Undaunted, I bought the R3 back and, somehow, I decided to ah ... ah modify that R3 with a hard-tail rear end and springer front end. I built an intake manifold to adapt a 38 mm Mikuni carb in place of the 3 carbs on the stock R3. That thing was about 11 feet long. The result was a screaming fast bike. Never lost a race to anyone or anything. But then but I sold it.

My new R3 is the Triumph version. 2005 low miles bike. Looking forward to delivery. And yes, my motorcycle license is still current. Now where did I put that helmet?
Welcome from Florida congratulations on your new to you ROCKET very nice.Beware of the power ,give yourself a chance to get used it before playing to hard.
WELCOME Texican from WA State!
You sound like a good fit for our Rocket Asylum.
Hello Dmillsr3 and welcome from a displaced Texan in Virginia. I grew up in Pampa and my folks still live in Gray County. I miss the area a lot yet folks who drive through can't seem to understand why when they hear I am from there.
Good luck with your Triumph version, it's a tad different than the BSA...
Welcome from Cape Cod, MA. Lots of Texas guys on here. You have some good history there. Have fun with this Rocket. I wouldn't put a Sugar Bear front end on it or anything crazy like that though.
On Stalker's introductory site, I had mentioned that I bought this one. The following was posted:

"Welcome, you have a ultra rare 2005 R3T!!! Good luck with your new ride!!"

Now I am a bit concerned. I knew it looked great and had a long list of upgrades, but my primary goal in making this purchase was to get it modified into a Trike with a Motortrike kit.

Would I be committing sacrilege if I do that?

I will sell those bags and rear fender to a good home, I promise.