Greetings from Kent UK

Nothing yet. New Workshop/bike shed is delivered and erected tomorrow. Finally, my beloved will be coming home. Shed was supposed to have been done 3 weeks ago so bike's still at my Mothers 40 miles away. As for the speedo, I have been watching @barbagris and his experiments with the digital speedos from China. More updates on the bike tomorrow...
Sorry Nat, BLUE is the colour all the time. They are the Coolest, Fastest, and the Sexiest of them all, that’s why its had a colour change. lmao
Sorry Nat, BLUE is the colour all the time. They are the Coolest, Fastest, and the Sexiest of them all, that’s why its had a colour change. lmao
Tsk ! The grumpy one has got to you . He's tapped yer phone lines and subliminally coerced you . It's not your fault . It's all him !
Pauly whats his face
just messing wit u
we just love u thats why we mess with u.
naw we do it because it is fun
and as long as i can throw a leg over the rocket and wot i do not fell that old