Nothing yet. New Workshop/bike shed is delivered and erected tomorrow. Finally, my beloved will be coming home. Shed was supposed to have been done 3 weeks ago so bike's still at my Mothers 40 miles away. As for the speedo, I have been watching @barbagris and his experiments with the digital speedos from China. More updates on the bike tomorrow...
Well me old mukka , Mr Bulldog obviously found that his rocket in black was waay too fast , so clearly his dearly beloved made him paint it blue to slow him down a bit ! It's obvious that blue is slower coz after your mods , your bike got so scared of going too fast it broke it's Speedo ! Incidentally , any update on that ?
WELCOME to ya, Bulldog Paul, from WA State!
So many Pablos here . . .
Off the top of my head: @skydog1000 Paul - @TO rocket Paul - @Joesmoe Paul - @Paul Bryant to name a few active around here.
Who'd I miss?
WELCOME to ya, Bulldog Paul, from WA State!
So many Pablos here . . .
Off the top of my head: @skydog1000 Paul - @TO rocket Paul - @Joesmoe Paul - @Paul Bryant to name a few active around here.
Who'd I miss?
we just love u thats why we mess with u.
naw we do it because it is fun
and as long as i can throw a leg over the rocket and wot i do not fell that old