Greetings from Brazil

I just had my first road experience with the Rocket yesterday, what a beast guys. Travelled about 150 miles in a 6 lines highway near my city on a wonderful sunny Sunday with 3 friends (their bikes are a HD Night Rod, a HD Street Glide and a Thruxton 900). The guy with the Night Rod doesn't like high speeds, so we just played a little roll over races... and no chance for him kkkk. With the guy on the Thruxton I had the chance of run faster, he is a expert rider, and we could chase each other going at 130mph. The Thruxton have a decent top speed, but the acceleration wasn't match for the Rocket. Wow, I'm excited with this bike!!! (again sorry the bad english guys)
Bem-vindo a você
WELCOME to ya, Andre, from WA State!
You have made a WISE choice!!!
Welcome from Maine, yes it's in the USA where it snows dailey, you've probably never seen any in Brazil. The only language you need here is Rocketalk

Welcome Mr Diver in the great land down under!!!