Green Bikes, Good or Bad?


.060 Over
Jan 8, 2008
Savage, MN
Is it true that green bikes are bad luck? I was talking to a co-worker and I mentioned that I might want to go with British Racing Green on my Rocket and she mentioned that green bikes are bad luck. Anyone out there with a green bike that is all in one piece? What are your thoughts on this?
The green bike superstition goes back at least as far as WWII, and possibly longer. It ranks right up there with gremlin bells.
I put 30,000 miles on a green Suzuki LC 1500 with no problems except slipping out of 4th gear frequently. My KLR 650 is tried to kill me the first week but since then its been ok. I think Jamie has a britsh racing green Rocket.

You can always hire a witch doctor to dance around your GREEN bike every morning to scare away any evil HD spirits.
The green bike superstition goes back at least as far as WWII, and possibly longer. It ranks right up there with gremlin bells.

Does anyone know the origin of the superstition by chance? I thought a green bike would just mean more people would "envy" my Rocket.