Great site for a monster bike, checking in from the Bay Area.


Standard Bore
Nov 5, 2014
Ready to purchase a Rocket and im grinning like a school boy. Live in the Bay Area California and am getting another road bike after taking a few years off. Have owned a motley assortment of bikes (cbr1000, bandit1200, roadstar1600, zrx1200r, fleet of honda 2 stroke dirt bikes, still have my trusty CR500) since i was 18 (now38) and kind of lost the desire until recently.

Was ready to purchase a co-workers electra-glide until i found the rocket, much to his im devouring all the info i can about the bike and will prob purchase in the next coupla months. Anyhoo i noticed most rockets are on the east coast. Holla if your local to me, even more so if you have a 2010 or newer low miles roadster you're looking to sell.

welcome to the site!!!

you will notice the not alot of people riding triumph rocket...anywhere....Un like the hardly crowd...

thats part of the coolness..

rest assured when you do find fellow rocket pilots the will be as solid and bad ass as the bikes they ride

if your capable of riding that CR 500 on the pipe,you clearly know what power is.....YOU WILL NOT REGRET buying the baddest cruiser in the world.....
Keith, I'm in the Rocket III purchase process now, and have learned a lot from the folks here. You're right, there's nothing else like them out there. Shoot me a message and I'll tell you what I know so far.
Ready to purchase a Rocket and im grinning like a school boy. Live in the Bay Area California and am getting another road bike after taking a few years off. Have owned a motley assortment of bikes (cbr1000, bandit1200, roadstar1600, zrx1200r, fleet of honda 2 stroke dirt bikes, still have my trusty CR500) since i was 18 (now38) and kind of lost the desire until recently.

Was ready to purchase a co-workers electra-glide until i found the rocket, much to his im devouring all the info i can about the bike and will prob purchase in the next coupla months. Anyhoo i noticed most rockets are on the east coast. Holla if your local to me, even more so if you have a 2010 or newer low miles roadster you're looking to sell.


Hey keith welcome!
I live in the Bay Area as well, Antioch to be exact.

If you havent been out to Cycle Specialties in Modesto yet you should check them out

What city do you live in?
