whats the chances of this New Yorker having someone pulling out in front of a innocent rider with a car,someone running you over stopped at a light,having an animal running out in front of you,choking on youre dinner,having the waitress/cook mess with youre meal?I will take the chances riding by myself over what the government says or what @1K9 threatens(sorry dude dont mean to use you as an example but you came in mind first)
Why should someone from NY be allowed to leave that diseased state? If it is the epicenter it should be quarantined from the rest of the country. If this is that serious why is travel allowed in or out of the state? Makes no sense to me to admit it is the focus of the virus then allow it to travel out.
Why should someone from NY be allowed to leave that diseased state? If it is the epicenter it should be quarantined from the rest of the country. If this is that serious why is travel allowed in or out of the state? Makes no sense to me to admit it is the focus of the virus then allow it to travel out.