Mine's a Street Pilot III. I have read a review of later models using touch screens which suggest that they are difficult to operate while wearing gloves - so it might be worth checking other models out. Or maybe other users here have feedback on this issue. RocketTodd has a Garmin but I'm not sure which model.
@anddean do you have any phots of your positioning of the Streetpilot as
I use a Garmin Streetpilot III had it a couple of years and use a RAM mount on my FJR have bought a ram mount for the rocket but have yet to find a place I am happy to fit it to the bars... plus it is quite a big GPS.
I have many mates on the FJR who use the StreetPilot 2610 to good effect and it also has a touch screen and is far superior to the StreetpilotIII as we have ridded side by side through Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France and the 2610 refreshes quicker and is able to route more effectively...
We use the TOM TOM GO700's in our company cars and they work really well too but I have not used the TOM tom Easy Rider. so any feedback welcome.