Got lucky today! Hit a deer with a car, not a bike...


Semi-retired adult film star...
Nov 29, 2014
Mid-Coast Maine
20 R3 GT; 14 R3R; 14 R3T; 11 R3R; 09 R3 Standard
Not really thrilled about the outcome but I was lucky that I hit the deer with a car rather than a bike but it could have been far worse. This morning I was driving on a side road when a deer leaped out of the brush line right in front of me. I was only going about 30mph but it was suddenly right there. The deer died within 10 minutes so it didn't need to be put down. Fortunately it initially looks like the car only needs a new hood, grill and the bottom surround panel but I'll find out for sure when the collision center opens Monday. In the meantime, I had to clean off all the deer sh!t on the driver's side of the car.

We were on the way to pick up one of my bikes that had just been fixed. Very glad I wasn't riding it or I would probably be posting this from the hospital...

Funny thing - I have had a driver's license for 55+ years and only had 2 accidents and both involved deer. This one and another outside Gillette, Wyoming 12 years ago. That time a BIG buck mule deer with a serious death wish just popped up out of the median at 2:00am and I nailed it doing about 80+ (back when it was legal). The responding trooper told me the deer were in an early rut and he had already responded to 6 other deer accidents on his shift! Totaled the car but I was fine. Since I had so much stuff in the car, I had to buy a car to get home from a very small inventory in Gillette.

I haven't been hunting for a number of years but I have a lifetime hunting license and will now put in for any "bonus" permits in my area and try to reduce the number of deer who have also been giving He!! to my gardens...
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Reminds me of Ron White's soliloquy on deer hunting.

His brother-in-law was regaling him with how he took a deer one morning at 0630 at 400+ yards with a Winchester .270 using Hornady White Tail ammo; 3060 feet per second, muzzle velocity, caught him just above the eye. "Oh yeah," says Ron, "I got one on Hwy 55 at 10 o'clock at night with my van doing 55mph and the horn blowing."
I have hit a deer with an SUV and an FZ-1. The SUV was much more fun and I got the carcass for meat afterwards. However, the FZ-1 was totaled and I got a fractured sternum and broken ribs. I went 2.5 years without a bike then. Not because of worry about riding, just didn't have the funds to replace. Then the good lord smiled on me and gave me a R3T....
Lucky you! I'm not as lucky and hit a herd of deer on my brand new R3 GT (150 miles on it). Ended up in ICU for several days and after almost four moths, am still not back to normal. The GT was totaled so I have a new replacement. Riding 60 years, tens of thousands of miles, and never hit a single deer before! This time...killed two and almost myself. This was in broad daylight at 1 PM .
The chance of hitting one deer is one in ten million. The chance of hitting two deer is on in ten million times ten million. The chance of hitting three deer is 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. I think you are safe from here on.