I traded in my 2021 Bobber and my 2015 Speed Triple this weekend and am now the proud owner of a beautiful Red Triumph Rocket 3 GT.
Made the fatal error of taking a Rocket out for a test drive when my Bobber was in for a service a couple of weeks ago, after which the Bobber felt like jumping on a moped. Never thought I've ever give up the Speed Triple (a most beautifully balanced bike that fitted like a glove), but the Rocket was just so much fun to ride. Had considered a Tiger 1200 for touring with the wife and although it had a great pillion seat, it did my back in about 20mins of riding (not the bike for me). The Rocket really is a 3-into-1 bike: the style of the Bobber, the madness and muscle of a Speed Triple and the comfort of a Tiger. I love this bike!
My wife only ever punched me in the ribs once for accelerating too quickly on the Triple. She loved the Rocket and after the test ride her first comment was, "... thank goodness it has a back rest, I don't think I could have held on otherwise!". She approved ... and it's not even run in yet.
My wife only ever punched me in the ribs once for accelerating too quickly on the Triple. She loved the Rocket and after the test ride her first comment was, "... thank goodness it has a back rest, I don't think I could have held on otherwise!". She approved ... and it's not even run in yet.
That's AWESOME! My Bride of 37 years actually wanted me to test ride the R3 around 2011. I wasn't ready as the Rocket seemed too daunting at the time... After a short test ride three years later, she says to me "Now don't buy this just for me." HEH! She couldn't see the MASSIVE Grin under my helmet. Fiona came home with us that day.