Giving up

To be honest, I had bad luck with all 3 Triumphs I've owned, I wouldn't buy another either.
My 05 was faitful till i sold it, poor lights were fixed with Amazon $80.00 , electric was fixed with a $40.00 clutch switch and a $5.00 relay from Autozone, thats about it, good luck on your next adventure and hang around, lots of members dont own a rocket
Umm ..rather than take a loss park it and take your time getting it going properly.
The reason Triumph went broke the first time was ....they were expensive, unreliable, highly dependent on regular servicing and slower than cheaper and more reliable competitors.
It is only since they stopped making them that folks want one. They haven't changed, but demand is now huge. Worth up to twice what a far better, more modern, reliable early 2000's Bonnie is.

But the character building experience, ungainly looks and shared awareness of their huge failings cause me and many others to have not just one but two or three to savour the experience.
They become like that disfunctional member of the family that you love but have to be ready to put up with their inconveniences.
Bummer, I was offered $5k from the dealer for my 06 r3 in 2015 then when the stop leak started oozing out the back tire and they noticed my rattle can paint covering the plastic chrome the offer dropped to $4500. If the trans wasn't ready to grenade and I was single I would have kept it for that price because there's nothing else like it, even the new 2500 isn't a bike I would want to strap luggage on and ride to florida. It took 2 bikes for me to replace the r3 let us know what you do.
I’ve been lucky, so far. On my 2014 Roadster I had an ABS brake modulator fail and need replacing and that’s it. The new TFC had a brake bleed recall and that’s all. Mine seem to be very reliable up to this point.
We love the new Indians. Good luck.
I’ve been lucky, so far. On my 2014 Roadster I had an ABS brake modulator fail and need replacing and that’s it. The new TFC had a brake bleed recall and that’s all. Mine seem to be very reliable up to this point.
2014 was a good year for Rockets. Mine was bullet proof and I wish I could have kept it when I bought the 2020 Rocket. My 05 was in the shop more than I rode it. My current Rocket seems to be much better after a bad first year. I'm very happy with it now although I have said it before. I miss my 1981 Yamaha 1100 Special. The best all round bike I ever had.