Get a Rocket Touring Bike???


Standard Bore
Sep 11, 2009
I really like the R3 Touring bike. I have two questions about them. Are the engines exceptionally hot for a bike? Is the balance of the bike better than most others? I have a VTX 1800 currently. It is about 50 pounds less than the R3, but it is quite difficult to hold upright (in fact I have failed to do so more than once). I have test drove the R3 and it seemed to handle better, but I did feel the heat heat from the engine quicker than I do on my Honda. I've looked and looked for an R3 owner to ask, but haven't found one yet. Please give me some good advice. Thanks.
There is some heat coming off the right side, first thing you may want to do is get the Rivco or Triumph exhaust flange covers (I prefer the Triumph version) which will knock it down some and dress up that side of the manifold. In the winter (depending where in the country you are for the winter) you will find the "warmth" welcome. I'm in Florida (when I ride) and I just live with it as it is a big engine and as long as you are moving it is not that noticeable (to me...but I like heat so I'm different).


84 dtg Dubai
85 dtg Home
The heat is not bad if you're moving. If you're stuck in traffic it can get hot. Cool down pretty fast as you get up to speed though.
It's not top-heavy at all. Atleast not in my opinion.
I can stand next to it and stand it up w/ no problem.
Put a car tire on it and it'll almost sit upright at red lights by itself.
I don't know about america, but the new 09's in england come with the exhaust flange's as standard. Of course the bike runs hot it has a big motor, but i can tell you now, not as hot as my 07 fatboy,that's what you call hot. Has for the balance, i'm not a big guy and i don't have a problem with it. I have just got mine and i'm well pleased with it. Hope this helps.

Rocket III Touring


The engine heat is noticeable. I like it, however. It makes me want to snuggle into the cushy seat that much more. It also causes me to sweat just enough to give my tanned, chiseled body that wet look (think body builders during competition). It really drives the wimmins crazy.


It's decent, much better than the Standard or Classic Rockets, but less than most Harleys I've owned (it's much larger than HDs)
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Engine heat & balance

Thanks to all of your replies regarding the R3 engine heat and balance.. It is helpful info.

Any suggestions on how to convince the wife to go ahead and buy a good deal that is facing me now

I always thought that was drool . . .
As far as the handling. You can tell her that if this little 5' 4 3/4" gal can keep it up you absolutly will have not problems. But of course mine is one of the original '05 models not the current touring models.