Gentlemen, need your help - Gauges

when you go into the directions all that is is speedo/rpm and does not look all that hard to do. making brackets to mount your speed sensor and the digital gauge wiring looks like it would be basic .
Thx man, I guess I have to find a motorcycle electrician!

@DEcosse be THE MAN on things 'Lectric!!!
I got a Garmin Mechanic which plugs into the ECU under the seat. It yields a lot of pertinent data via Bluetooth.
The Motoscope mini (or pretty much any non-CANBUS instruments) can be fitted to a Rocket III and Classic; these do not use CANBUS instruments.
It can NOT be fitted to the Touring or Roadster, which do.

Here is an interconnect diagram for the OEM RIII/Classic which identifies each of the wire colours per function

Regarding the Speedo Power out: the OEM instruments provide the output power for the Speed Sensor; After-market instruments will not have this provision so connect the Black/Yellow wire to Switched 12V source.

Aha, that means that the wiring diagram I have for the RIII and Classic is completely irrelevant for the Touring. Good to know.