Geezer patch

Didn't even know Flip was selling the Dobecks now.
Been awhile since I bought anything from him,
still got everything.......

Sorry I missed your post earlier Dracul , and PhilR.
Dracul, I'll add you to the list bro.
was that a "I like it too"
a put me down
For 2 too?

ya'll take care,
Yep, I think it's a new line for him. I wanted something I could do myself pretty much anywhere any time that was a bit like tinkering with a carbie. Much cheaper than a PC and I'm hoping better suited for me.

Tripples are on (simple) and TFI installed (also simple). Took about 1 1/2 hours and could have been much quicker. Not sure I've got the settings right on the TFI just yet but it's runninmg very smooth and I can't wait to take it round the block. BC back on for now - still thinking about what to do there.


OH MY GOD. With TORS, no secondaries, GiPro, tripples and TFI it sure as hell ain't going any slower.

Now I'm off for a ride and fiddle with the settings - sunny and mid 20s C (mid 70s F) here today, no wind. And I'm not at work when I should be. Perfect!
Sorry for the confusion

I would like 2 geezer patches please.
MACS5RDR and Bcbatman,
Of course I'll add you guys.
Glad ya'll like it.
lets see, let me look through my extensive files....
Nope, don't keep any address' after a patch deal is done.
So I'll need it again BcBatman.

Yea, I know who turned me on to that Dobeck,
what was that, one or two years ago now you told me about it wasn't it?
I still like mine and the PC3 is still in a box (somewhere)..
Hope ya'll like the finished product when we get er done.
Gonna look at one more 'proof" today and hopefully put the order in today.
Usually takes em about two weeks to get it right and get em made an to me.
Appreciate it for sure.
still ain't got the updated revision back yet,
but they're gonna put the TRIUMPH ROCKET III
on top and in red.
Gonna change the "I may be old" to
"I MAY BE OVER" to compliment the big red 50
and make the DON'T TRY TO KEEP UP in red too
on the bottom, to balance out the red on top and the red 50 in the middle.
Think it'll look ok.
As a further notice,
I asked what the least amount they could make was, the reply was,
We can make ya 1 if that's what you want, but 1 costs as much as 100..
so it's basically a 100 patch minimum.
lets see what the final "proof" (or at least the next one) looks like.
Then decide who's in and who wants their name taken off the list.
Thanks for the help and patience guys.
I'll post the next "proof" as soon as I get it.
If we like that one, I'll get em ordered.
If it still needs tweeking, we'll do that too.
later guys,