Geezer patch

Don't know, let me look at it again and try to visualize it.
Sounds good though.
I'm likin' that Steve,
good idea, let me give em another call.
I'm definitely in for 2. Geezerdom overtook me years ago, but thank goodness for my R3T - at least it keeps me in the race!
got you down for two.

Guess I need to make a running tally post like I did for the RAA patch thread huh?
If between the sites we can get enough for an order, an it sure looks promising so far,
We'll get 'er done. Sounds like there's gonna be plenty, considering we don't even have the final "proof" yet.

Also I'd like a red border with the Rocket III lettering inside for emphasis!!!!
I just got the first revised proof.
I told them to put the Rocket III on top and make it Red,
guess they missed that part in this first revision.
Of course, I think that was what I told them in the third call today,so...
They pretty much got everything else I asked them for tho.
Take a look and see what ya'll think now.

Better?, worse?, ideas?, suggestions???