I bought a slightly used 2013 Rocket III with just about 1200 miles on it. Almost right away I started noticing that when I downshift from 2,3,4,5 gear I can not catch a neutral. So say when I need to stop at intersection, I have to downshift all the way to the first and then back to neutral, otherwise the neutral is not quite there and the green light indicating neutral is off. Even if I chose to stay in this faux neutral, I can not shift to first reliably after that.
I took the bike to a dealer and they said they need to take the transmission apart and quote about 20 hours of labor, but what concerns me is that they act like they've never seen anything like this before. Which means they may take it apart and put back together at my expense and still not solve the problem.
Has anyone heard anything similar to this? DO you know if there are specialists in Chicago land area who can correct the problem other than official dealers?
Thanks in advance.