Gear Pedal Assembly sloppy


Mar 11, 2015
Dothan, Alabama
2014 Roadster, 2020 Rocket GT
I am getting a good bit of sloppiness in the pedal assembly around the M8 bolt which attaches it to the engine. Looked to replace and saw you have to buy the entire piece ($155). It shows a bushing which is where my slop is. Does anyone know the size of the bushing? Replacing it has be cheaper!
I had a similar problem with my shift lever . The lever return spring had snapped! A new spring helped matters but still lots of slop due to a steel mounting bolt incorporating the shouldered bush wearing the alloy of the shift lever . I came up with 3 solutions, the first being replacing the shift lever ( expensive ) , the second being , having the hole in the shift lever plugged and redrilled for a snug fit ( slightly less expensive ) , or the cheapest solution by far was to buy a tin of shim stock ! won't cure it completely , as the shift lever wears oval due to the limited throw up and down of the lever , but Definately improves matters until the time / or money comes to address the problem permanently !
Just machine up a new bush in Phosphor Bronze. Mine was a bit waggly new - Added thrust shims and lots of copper paste. Not had an issue since.
All very easy when you have a Myford 7 in the corner of your workshop , along with some phosphor bronze offcuts ? but most mere mortals are not secretly building weapons of mass destruction in their garages ! ;)