G'day from outback Western Australia

Not sure about FB page, there is a RDU section in the Forums on here where there are postings for events around Australia. I have been to several that were organized on here.
Welcome from Florida ,you'll know your new ride pretty well by the you get home with it enjoy and be careful.
Welcome from New England.. I'd keep a small container and a siphon hose handy. If you do run out of gas there most likely will be someone coming along sooner or later, the trick is to get it into your tank from theirs....Happy trails
From one soon to be retired ginger to another, welcome to the site from New Jersey, Captain Stepnerd.
Welcome from another of the "small" number of Aussies on here, Mike has a lot more self control than most, I even when taking it "steady" (sitting under 120 km/h) won't get past 300km to a bone dry tank so plan on 250km max before filling up, I have a 10litre fuel container that straps nicely on the back if expecting longer between servos
Hello Stepnerd and welcome from Virginia. I have the Touring R3 and have made it 198 miles on a tank of gas without running out on my long hauls. I ride between 80-85 MPH, (pretty well loaded up) and that seems to be reliable for me. I less during the blistering hot weather though, around 185 give or take a few.
I like that video above quite a bit and think it is a good idea. I'm a cheap skate though and those bottles cost a pretty penny. But they look better than a Gerry can or plastic red can strapped to the back of the bike. And of course, they are cheap insurance if you find yourself out of gas between stations.
Good luck and enjoy our family here on the forum.

That's good to know, thanks. The longest run between petrol stations is about 170 miles, so if I use the cruise control on that section, I should be OK.

And a couple of those MSR canisters strapped under the sissy bar rack wouldn't look that bad, I suppose...