Gas Tank Vacuum Sealed?

Yeah, it's apparently a California model with the evap can. I was told all the X models are. All that crap is probably gonna disappear in the very near future anyway. Not a requirement where I live.
I do not know who told you this but it is dead wrong. If the bike is designated for sale in California it gets the evap can. If not no evap is installed. Now a lot can happen and bikes designated for sale in a state can be changed. A evap can be sold in any state but a non evap can not be sold in California. The Honda shadow I bought in Virginia had the charcoal canister because it was originally designated to be sold in California (had a C.A. sticker under the seat) The Rocket X has no canister it was designated for sale in Texas. A dealership will tell you a lot of things that sometimes is not completely true.
Well all I can say is mine has the evap system on it. I understand if it has one it's good in any state but not the other way around. Dealer did not tell me about all X's having it. That was from another X owner. I bought it used so don't know the original history. Whether they all actually do or not really isn't an issue. Mine does for whatever reason and will most likely be removed.
The Honda after about 20,000 miles the Charcoal canister plugged up and was causing similar problems that you are experiencing with the Rocket. Removed it and re-routed lines and the problem disappeared.

So I think I said somewhere that the rollover valve had an arrow...I was incorrect. It does say "UP" on it so that's pretty self explanatory.
So both lines are free. The front line goes to the 'water' drain hole, flush one, and drains to the ground. The rear line goes to the raised hole, then to the rollover valve and either to the ground or evap can in my case.
So looking at the gas cap, there's a little rubber nipple that seals against the raised hole in the neck and as far as I can tell seals against the cap which has holes in it to allow for venting to the line through the cap when closed. I checked the cap also, and it's clear.
Now I'm assuming that the water drain gets sealed off once the cap is closed, or else that would just spill fuel if you lay the bike down and the rollover valve would really be useless.
So I made sure all lines are clear and not pinched, the rollover valve seems to be clear and functioning. Even cleaned it with some carb cleaner to be sure. So hopefully the issue is fixed. I'll find out next ride. Otherwise I'm out of possibilities. Next the evap can goes away and MAYBE the rollover valve too.
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Ah Ha, the little raised nipple in the cap, kinda goes with the story I heard about making sure the cap is securely pushed down when closed.
Well I checked the lines connected to the tank and they weren't pinched, literally blew into them and felt air blowing out of the holes at the fill. Front one is to the flush hole that drains water/gas out of the fill area. And the rear connection is to the raised nipple that contacts a nipple on the gas cap and runs to the spill over valve. All good. Checked the spill over/tip over valve and it was good, shook it and heard the ball moving around, but cleaned it just to cover my bases. All that and my tank is still getting a vacuum on it. I know it's not a complicated system but any ideas on what could be the problem? I do have an evap can which i want to remove, but figure even if there's a problem with that, the spill over line should cover venting the tank when up right.....right??
Key word: Should.

My bike has a vacuum lock issue when I ride it in 85f temps, park it, and restart about an hour later. It doesn't like to run for the first 30 seconds or so. Nothing will fix it, period.

Things tried:
Many many tunes
Different injectors
Removed check and reattach vent lines
TPS voltage is perfect
TB balance is perfect
Secondaries Removed, all at 100% and part closed at idle.
EVAP removed
Tried different gas stations and octane ratings
Stock, 2780, and RAMAIR filters

The only thing that stops it is parking in the shade, and if it's over 90 it still does it.

I should say, it hasn't happened since I did carpenter work, but it's also not been warm enough to trigger it.

Just a quirk of my bike.
Thanks Claviger.
Well that pun intended. It gets bad enough that I can feel the bike starting to run ****ty, which is what made me specifically try to open the tank this time.
I just don't get how if the vent line is clear how that can even happen.
And I really don't like how much it sucks in the sides of the tank. I watch them expand when I'm pulling up on the cap to release the vacuum that I'm worried that it will either suck in the tank or crack the paint.
Maybe the purge valve? If it is stuck open, I think it should cause the throttle bodies to continuously pull vacuum from the tank which will cause what you are describing. Simply disconnect the valve and blow through it. It should be closed and not allow air flow (never checked one, but makes sense).
Your talking about the purge valve that's part of the evap system correct? Has the electrical connection?