I don't understand I push down on the float and doesn't seen to move and I don't feel like taking it all apart again, is there any one on the forum that as unstuck the float from above and share how they done it? maybe I'm just being too carful for the fear of breaking it or not doing it proper with out damaging it.
if I can get it unstuck and it still doesn't work then I'll order another sender and only take apart once to put new sender in, but I rather get it unstuck from top to see if it works or not. Has any one gone through this and can help would be great.
So it's not possible to in stick it from the top by putting long scew driver in and try to push out towards the right?
Or will I damage it by forcing?
I'm trying to understand how its stuck is it tight from has pump and float that can be tight against bottom of tank and pump?
If I do take it apart again what am I doing wrong too install because last time I put it in it was also stuck and I thoy I was extra careful and seems again stuck, what am I doing wrong?
So when I do it again I know what to do?
I taught i might help so i have some probes and i tried to hook that rod/float but could not get a hold of it.
I have almost a full tank of gas.
The only thing that i acomplished is i have a real clean tank.
So those floats are hollow , this is my second time putting it in wrong perhaps it does have a hole in it that how it got stuck. Going for a ride Saturday I will take it all apart Sunday and put my classes on to check for holes. And then check that sender to see if I'm getting 12v if not I'll just order new one, hopefully if I do need a new sender it's not too difficult to install. I'll keep you guys posted thanks
So those floats are hollow , this is my second time putting it in wrong perhaps it does have a hole in it that how it got stuck. Going for a ride Saturday I will take it all apart Sunday and put my classes on to check for holes. And then check that sender to see if I'm getting 12v if not I'll just order new one, hopefully if I do need a new sender it's not too difficult to install. I'll keep you guys posted thanks
If you never updated the sending unit which got changed in the update kit then its time to anyway. At least thats what I'd tell myself to justify it in my mind
Here is a larger shot of the tank internals.
Do you happen to have a video of you installing one? If I do install new one you still need to bend it? And if I'm going to take it all apart again is there a need to put in a new gas filter as well?