GA Riders Roll Call


Apr 18, 2007
Ringgold, GA
Hey lets get this started with a little headcount of who's where. I'm in Ringgold, just outside of Chattanooga, TN, I'm up for rides in N. GA, SE TN, and N. AL. Just give me a shout, late notice is fine. I'll be putting together some rides in and around the greater Chattanooga area, with some Rocket Captains and a few Road Star Warrior guys, but any brand is welcome. Everyone I ride with is either very mature or a Southern Cruiser member, squids are welcome if accompanied by a parent or guardian:eek:. Looking forward to meeting up with some of you and putting some rubber on the road.

You guessed it: In the Heart of Dixie. Usuns here in Alabama had for years the slogan: Heart of Dixie on our car tags until that retread "compasionate" puke :sick: Boob Riley became guvnuh. Now it's, "The Stars Fell on Alabama". How is anyone suppose to identify with that slogan, aside from the Alabama reference. It could more correctly refer to the them **** yankees who have made, and still do make us, States Rights and Constitution advocates, succumb their unlawful invasion and intrusions into our God given freedoms. Hence, "Fighting Terrorism Since 1861". If you've not surmised, I'm not a liberal nor am I a Republicrat. So for the sake of peace and more easily digestible brews I'll leave the poly-ticks at home.

More specifically I'm 35 miles SE of the "magic city".:kk:,
I mean Birmingham. Magic City, locally common, refers to the overnight rise and success of Birmingham and Birmingham Steel.

I'm up for one to two day jaunts to most anywhere in the deep south. In fact, inasmuchas those States identified for inclusion into "this here", isn't that a mid-western term, user group are within what's commonly known as the deep south I propose a name change: DeepSouthMenace or DixieDarlings or SouthernFried Cocks (Cockerels if we trade-in every year).

Covered Bridge sight-seeing is one of the more travelled biker routes here in Bama. The SCV reenactments are always a hoot. I enjoy attending them anywhere, especially when them **** yankees get their cumupins. The people and their depression era craft-makings are favs. There are several "Biker Resorts" here in Bama. I live very close to There is one near Florence and another to my ESE near Rockford. Ive not been to either of the latter two. I've seen pics in a biker mag of the one near Florence,

These motorcycle only resorts are sometime hard to locate. Perhaps this could be a topical or sub-tropical area for discussion. I'd like to hear a personal experience assessment of resort.

Anywhey, thar ewe go. And here's your sign:bch: And for you Molinoman, that's lemonade. You do like lemonade don't you?
Count for what? Late arrival:D You know Virginia fell to the Yanks before NC came on board on the good side of the force. Alas, we're under the influences of dark side since:( Welcome to the resurrection:flame:
Sure will take either Carolina even the one with that dreaded word in its name "North." If anyone has any planned group rides coming up or would like to get in on one they've heard about, just post it up. As much pretty weather as we get in the south and as many nice roads that we have this could become one of the most looked at parts of the forum. Well maybe not, but it could be very good for us to get together and at least plan some activities.
Thanks for taking pity on me... I'm actually a N.FLA transplant.

No rides in the immediate future... it's f-ing 103 degrees here today.
Supposed to be 102 tomorrow and 101 on Friday...

WTF... if I wanted to be in the desert....

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