G’day all from Australia

Welcome Captain from Maine in the USA. Sounds like she's just properly broke in, enjoy the S-miles. Good advice, get the newest you can afford, abs, a great assest should you need it.

Gday mate and welcome, 10 year Sapper EDD Handler here , i see your with the the VMC good to know someone is willing to fly the R3 flag

Ahhh... the Ginger Beers! Great bunch.. i nearly corps transferred. Wld have, had my Head Shed not been the total knobs they are :-/
Hello @adelaideVMC and welcome from Virginia. There are a lot of low mileage bikes like that around. Just check the seals and gaskets for leaks, make sure the battery is good and the tires are not over 5 years old. Enjoy!

Thanks man, for input.

Current one owner is reliably reported on to be fastidious, so am confident seals etc are OK. Battery I will replace asap, I have a half price ‘mates rates’ source. A good battery is crucial !

Tyres are 80% I am told. No matter. i will Dark Side the sled anyway. Seems to be the way to go.

We get robbed blind in OZ re tyre (tire) prices .... just Stupid Money ... :-(

I wld think nowadays, a 240 rear M tyre (tire) wld be something outrageous, like $450 ? For maybe , maybe, 10,000 kms / 6, 000 miles.

No thank you .... :-/
Well thanks guys.

R3 arrived today. LOVE IT !!!!

Finally someone made a bike for big blokes .. with plenty of torque ..

I am gonna spend a loooong time on this beast ....... Made For Me !

And now... discontinued ... figures.
Flying high.. as of today Ginger Beer
Just went for an illegal blast.


Best fun bike I ever rode. Cracks and pops like my old TBS .. loads of grunt .... flicks out on corners ... pulls like a Train.... well mannered everywhere... fckin’ wow ... amazing bike ...

Gonna be a long term relationship... lotta legs in this battleship .. killer Bike .. yeah!
And now the fun begins and the wallet shrinks