I have an 05 with 65,000. Have changed clutch, and put on a set of silicone cooling hoses, and of course tires. That's all. It's my favorite ride. Also have a 2013, that has around 24,000, and nothing done to it, cept tires.
Update kit as in gearbox? That’s crucial. And he said done before delivery by wk shop manager mate. Sweet, if that is the case.
Pete was a v nice guy on the ph. His R3 is his baby, as is my Tbird Sport to me.
Cheers for your input. You have seen his bike, I have not. I like his mods. Thunderbike T bars, Hagon nitro (?) shocks. Ram air kit. Madazz pipes (but, going.. loathe the 2 pipe / 1 pipe old R3 look :-(
What do you think wld be a realistic figure for it, with the original seat and including some corbin gunfighter style one he has, some bags he has for it, and maybe one of the racks he has?
He can keep the factory bits, exhausts, shocks etc for gumtree, or here ...
I want be fair to him, but also me as Adel / Bris and back is a long way if I ride it etc, and my Daytona 1200 has broken me over the last 3.5 years of ownership. Cost me twice more again what I paid for it and still not quite sorted. Another $1,100 just last week sunk in. Good money after bad .... sigh :-/
I have had my Tbird Sport for 15 years. It’s time for her to go to a good new home. I am sure Peter will care for her, as I will if I am able to rehouse his R3 of 11 years’ meticulous ownership....
Just need to work out its value, with some accessories too.
My Tbird is a solid $13k, any day of the week, according to Guy ‘Guido’ Allen .. Motorcycle Trader.
My Daytona 1200 money pit, custom Aus flag paintjob notwithstanding, less so
9K if I’m lucky .. sob