Full Face Helmet Recommendations Please

Thanks all for your feedback, I have quite a bit to consider but am quite certain your collective wisdom will inform the ultimate decision, As always, I'm amazed by the depth of experience in this crew!
I like webbikeworld his reviews I've found are pretty accurate to me, we must have similar mental standards for noise/comfort. Sadly, he can only do so many items, but, more often than not I've found the helmet I'm interested listed.
I always used them as a source - until they made a big change a few years back - things seemed to go downhill a bit.

I have looked but cannot find a reasonably (hobby) priced dB meter that logs dosage with a remote microphone that one could place inside the lid near or over an ear. An enterprising traffic safety research person might have more luck.

Who? Me?
Me reckons tis not a traffic safety matter, but rather a human factors issue.
Deaf folks drive and do so safely . . . But, for me, hearing is part of the five senses. All of which are requisite to my full enjoyment of riding motor.
Me reckons tis not a traffic safety matter, but rather a human factors issue.
Deaf folks drive and do so safely . . . But, for me, hearing is part of the five senses. All of which are requisite to my full enjoyment of riding motor.
Not hearing is one thing - screaming headache from high dB dosage is another thing. On shortish trips, under an hour or so - then I doubt it's an issue. But longer exposure - Hell yes, it is after all used as a method of torture.

But I know that on nonstop (except fuel - lid stays on) 4 hour runs : REALLY EFFECTIVE earplugs make a massive difference to ones state of mind.

I was really stunned the first time I use the Flares in "anger". Was far more alert and physically relaxed after the 4 hour ferry run. So I guess I do believe it is a safety matter.

I will admit that every other plug I had tried before (and since) did NOT have the same effect. This may be an ear-canal comfort thing as well.

Actually you bring forth a point. Do certain deaf folk hear better with a helmet that promotes bone conduction? - seriously!

I would add here that I believe Helmet design also plays a part - shape etc. My new NEXX is far less prone to turbulence than the CABERG on the R3. I do wonder if this is the peak - I can see the peak shudder occasionally but the lid itself seems not to. The difference is less pronounced on the Guzzi - though this could be a plethora of reasons - not least speed.
So sorry for your hearing issues further agrivated by riding. Must truly suck!
I actually thought my half helmet was quieter than my modular helmet which I had on in my recent accident. I wear ear plugs ever since I bought my open slip on pipe.