Full Face Helmet Recommendations Please

Sharp looking helmet, I like the versatility
I wear a HJC IS-Max 2.

For plugs, I used to wear my shooting goto's - cheap and cheerful but work good
3M E-A-R Soft Ear Plugs Hearing Protection Soft Foam 312-1261 - If you look, you can find them for ~$30 for 200 pair.

Now I wear these and plug them in my Sena.
Guardian - Plugfones : The First and Only Earplugs with Music

I have bad tinnitus and hearing loss in my left ear to the point I can't talk on a cell phone on LHS. Too many big motors and windows down. A Meniere's episode didn't help either. Wonder if people who drive on the wrong (well it's not right) side of the road have the same problem in the right ear?
I absolutely love my Nolan N44. Not as quite helmet compared to some. But the visibility is second to on a half or no helmet.
Ear Plugs - I am a huge fan of the ISOLATE family from FLARE AUDIO. I know there are "bespoke" fans - but I find that a plug made for me with no helmet on - does NOT fit me after I pull a lid on.

The SHARP scheme in the UK is really quite an eye opener at times - I have bought a fair few lids based on their findings. They are - sadly - way underfunded.

As an aside - When I was in the UK this Spring I went looking at all sorts of lids.

I asked about the apparent "issue" with fibre helmets in the UK SHARP test. The answer was - Fibre helmets resist big slowish crush type impacts and penetration very well, but it is true that Polycarbonate/Lexan lids seem to handle short sharp knocks better. All the dealers I saw had ARAI and SCHUBERTH etc on the shelves. But I was not even proffered them by most. The advantage of most fibre is lower weight, though usually not by that much, and it was implied that the weight cutting was potentially taken as far as could be.

All said the same. "These days pretty much all decent-ish lids fare about the same - What matters most is FIT".

My current MAIN LID is a NEXX XD1 - I also have a CABERG DUKE which is now my backup, but due replacement.

Another aside : look at adventure style lids. Generally more chin room and the peak is more than aesthetics if you live where it's warm and sunny. This has been a bit of a revelation for me.
Schuberth C3 is rated quietest.
Mine was very quiet and my newly replaced AGV Sport Modular is nearly as quiet and IMO, a better helmet.
By Schuberth. AFAIK - there is no independent data to support it.

I don't know anybody with a VOZZ lid - but I'l bet they're quiet.

Incorrectamundo, Amigo!
Several large motor suppliers have rated it quietest. Foo, "quietest motorcycle helmet"
Data Please!. I mean empirical not opinion and with no retail interest.

All helmet testing regarding fit, finish and noise done by riders is subjective opinion based upon their experience.
There is no data collected.
The DOT ECE Snell & Sharp testing produces impact crush data, but there is certainly none for noise to a wearer's ears.
I like webbikeworld his reviews I've found are pretty accurate to me, we must have similar mental standards for noise/comfort. Sadly, he can only do so many items, but, more often than not I've found the helmet I'm interested listed.
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