Full Face Helmet Recommendations Please

Yup - the only way to find a lid that really fits - is try them. I have found that some of the Adventure type lids have a deeper chin and neck rim - thought that would help, and it seems to.

Ear plugs are really a must. OK maybe not for a 10 minute ride to the shops, but otherwise - I am a convert.
I just purchased this ls2 helmet. It is DOT certified as a full face or three quarter helmet. The chin bar folds all the way back and has built in sun visor. Revzilla has some good videos and reviews of helmets. Head shape is definitely important, I have an oval head, anything for round head gives me headache after couple hours. Less wind noise than half helmet, 3 or 4 hour ride would still use earplugs.
With the recent introduction over the last 5-10 years of various new companies with no established reputation, I started looking at objective tests.

This site for example, is how I shop now. I find all the top tested helmets that fit my head shape and go look at them.

Sharp tests are tougher than any other currently.

Money is not eavaerything these days with Helmets, AGV as an example have a top tier safety rating on a $300 lid, better safety than many of the Shoei or Arais tested...


Ditto on the plugs...won't ride without them.

Those look cool. I've never tried something more "custom", but am favorable toward anything better.
Not to spam my own forum, but I also take this 1-2 times per year:

My Tinnitus is likely not as extreme as most, but this stuff cures my occasional ear-ringing issues. It is made from mostly natural ingredients, and may not work for everyone, but being an older fella raised on Heavy Metal it has allowed me to continue enjoying the old tunes (with moderation)
AGV GT Voloce I've found to be snug, yet comfortable. GREAT air flow all over the helmet. Full Face. Took a while to sort through the ears as they provide a lot of foam around the ear area. Need to suit yourself. The extra foam made it too warm for me, so I took it out. I always use the foam ear plugs designed for sleeping, less pressure in the ear canal. I can still hear the intake upon take off, but it calms down once under steady throttle. My butt gives out before my ears, after several hours. I still take them out to relax, then put new ones in, used sometimes don't reseal properly. You can tell they are sealed correctly by talking and listening to yourself, if not in corrrectly you can hear yourself talk in your head. The riding is much more pleasurable with the above set up.

I agree Rock On, its mostly about the sound and if a 3/4 will provide what I'm looking for, I'd be a goof to ignore that option.

Thanks Claviger, you are always a source of good info and...I suspect the source of our tinnitus might be same

Totally agree Barbagris, there are two things I won't buy without trying them on: helmets and shoes/boots